Improve Reliability of Android Push Notifications: Update to U8

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Improve Reliability of Android Push Notifications: Update to U8

For better reliability of Push required to wake up the phone on inbound call or messages, we are updating Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) library. A custom account is no longer required and in fact is no longer supported by Google. To keep receiving inbound call and chat notifications, you should upgrade to Update 8 as soon as possible. If you cannot update, make sure to disable your custom Google FCM instance for Push messaging from the 3CX management console.

Why is the change needed?

Google will deprecate custom or dual FCM configuration per application, and requires us to link the application to a specific configuration. With the next version of our 3CX Android app, custom FCM setups will no longer be supported.

What you need to do

If you have already updated to version 16 update 8 you have nothing to worry about. Customers on older versions of v16 should update to the latest version of 3CX to automatically update the settings, and then proceed to inform their users to open the Android app to auto-update the FCM configuration.

Disabling Custom Android PUSH

If you use a custom setup, you must disable your custom FCM integration by no later than Friday 5th March 2021. This will also allow us to use the latest version of FCM integration on your mobile device, which can improve delivery and stability.

  • Go to your 3CX Management Console Dashboard
  • Check the PUSH config status in the Information section
    • If the “PUSH Account” reads “3CX Account” you’re all set.
    • If the “PUSH Account” reads “Own Account”, follow these instructions:

disable android push

      • Click it to open the settings page.
      • Remove “Server Key” and “Sender ID”.
      • Save with OK.

You have reset the account to default. You can inform your users to open the Android app once to update the configuration.

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