
Try Out the Latest Android Beta Release

The latest Android Beta update is now available for your testing. This release includes mostly fixes as well as updates for the latest Android version.

Status update

We’ve updated the “In a call” status option to “On a call, not available”. We’ve made this more descriptive for an improved user experience. What’s more, this status is also now viewable in contact search.

Improved push notifications

Delivery of push notifications is even better! And we’re keen to hear about your experience with this, so remember...

Update to the Latest iOS Beta for Improved Connectivity

A new iOS Beta is available for testing! This release features a number of fixes and improvements for better call connectivity and experience with the app functions.

Greater reconnection ability

The iOS Beta applies fixes for even stronger call connectivity. We’ve fixed an issue in which a call was sometimes dropped during reconnection, and where it was less reliable in the case of UDP connectivity loss.

Improved messaging functions

We’ve made functional improvements to the messaging/chat feature for a more consistent and reliable experience: ...

Web Conferencing Video Quality: 3. Bandwidth

This is the third part of our web conferencing video quality series, all about bandwidth. Don’t forget to check out parts one and two, covering meeting profiles and latency! You may notice when using other video chat or conferencing products that sometimes a user’s video may become stuck, stuttery or jittery. We’ve almost completely eliminated this in 3CX, with the addition of certain algorithms made in-house and not available on any other platforms. There’s an ‘Ideal’ amount of bandwidth...

3CX V18 Video Conferencing & Apps: What You Need to Know

3CX Video Conferencing (formerly known as 3CX WebMeeting) has undergone a complete redesign, which is now available to all customers who install the 3CX v18 Alpha 2. We’ve focused heavily on new features and data privacy. Here what’s new:

New Apps

We’ve completely scrapped our old Android and iOS apps and made new ones from the bottom up. Joining a live meeting on the go has never been easier. You can now view shared content like shared screen content as well as...

Atmos Won the Internet Telephony Product of the Year Award…Again

We’re excited to have been awarded the 2021 Product of the Year Award from Internet Telephony and TMCnet.  We are thrilled to celebrate the sixth consecutive year of being recognized as an innovator in the call recording and voice analytics industry. We’ve worked to make Atmos the modern, work-from-anywhere compliance platform of choice. We saw an immediate and increasing need for a cloud-based customer interaction platform from the outset of Atmos’ design. We made it UC-friendly and PBX-agnostic, but as Atmos...

Web Conferencing Video Quality: 2. Latency

In part one of this series, we discussed meeting quality profiles, required bandwidth and the factors that affect it. Like we mentioned before, there are several factors that influence meeting quality, most of them are easily fixed. Whether it’s new devices that are needed, a more powerful internet connection, or some simple configuration of your video conferencing setup. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss latency as a measure of quality in your video conferences, and...

New Android Beta with Optimized Audio and Improved Chat

A new Beta of the Android app is now available for your testing. This release includes an updated chat view for improved user experience as well as audio and connectivity optimizations for better voice calls.

Optimized audio by default

For improved audio during calls, we’ve now disabled echo cancellation by default for devices with this capability built-in. This prevents any clash between the app’s and your device’s settings. We’re keen to get your feedback on this change so try it out and...

The 5G Fork in the Road for Network Transport (And Which Path to Take)

The hype of 5G is ushering in the potential for drastic network change and is driving service providers to prepare for the future. Today’s networks provide ubiquitous all-purpose IP connectivity to support all services. 5G, by definition, supports three major service classes: enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra-reliable and low latency communications (uRLLC), and mass machine-type communications (mMTC) and must have the ability to provide configurable levels of isolation between each service transported. The question facing mobile network operators (MNOs) is,...

Web Conferencing Video Quality: 1. Meeting Quality Profiles

Did you know that your meeting video quality is dependent on many factors? One side of it is the hardware you’re using, from the webcam to the microphone. Lighting and specifically the brightness of the room also makes a huge difference in your image quality. Remember, a webcam is not a 1000$ DSLR camera. On the other hand, the quality of your internet connection is also extremely important, if not more important than the hardware aspect in some cases. An unstable internet...

Android Beta: Improved Call Reconnection & Push Notification

In this latest Beta release, we’ve made significant improvements to call recovery and push notifications for a better call experience. We’ve also introduced the ability to automatically add conferences to your devices calendar.

Intelligent call reconnection

In combination with the latest V16 release, the app now re-connects a call if changing networks or if the network drops temporarily (for example when driving on the highway). What’s more, if call quality remains low, the app will automatically drop the call and redial in...

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