
9 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Microsoft Teams Recording Solution

Selecting a compliant Microsoft Teams recording solution can be confusing. Microsoft Teams has undergone a rapid adoption, boosted in part by the enormous Office 365 customer base.  Multiple vendors have put in long hours to get their call recording solutions to accommodate Microsoft Teams. I know you are expecting me to tell you why our solution (Atmos by CallCabinet) is the right choice; instead, I will highlight some of the issues or questions you should ask your Microsoft Teams call...

7 Reasons You Need Compliance Recording for Microsoft Teams

Recording Microsoft Teams

Are you using Microsoft Teams to connect to your customers? Without a doubt, you’re seeing benefits from migrating to Microsoft’s all-encompassing interaction platform. But what about your compliance practices? Though Microsoft Teams excels at customer service connectivity and interaction, you’ll still need a crucial additional component, like Atmos by CallCabinet, to record your customer calls and meet all of your industry’s compliance laws. Microsoft Teams Compliance Gaps Infographic

Atmos Won the Internet Telephony Product of the Year Award…Again

We’re excited to have been awarded the 2021 Product of the Year Award from Internet Telephony and TMCnet.  We are thrilled to celebrate the sixth consecutive year of being recognized as an innovator in the call recording and voice analytics industry. We’ve worked to make Atmos the modern, work-from-anywhere compliance platform of choice. We saw an immediate and increasing need for a cloud-based customer interaction platform from the outset of Atmos’ design. We made it UC-friendly and PBX-agnostic, but as Atmos...

(WEBINAR) CallCabinet: Microsoft Teams & Compliance Recording

Join us for an exciting webinar as we help you to alleviate Microsoft Teams compliance issues utilizing CallCabinet. With the staggering increase in “work-from-anywhere”, the need to rethink industry compliance has never been more relevant. To ensure business continuity, organizations have quickly adopted unified communications (UC) platforms that allow them to enhance productivity, streamline collaboration, and foster open and rapid communication. Microsoft Teams has emerged as the top UC platform adopted, primarily because of its superior communication tools (chat,...

Tips for Working Remotely…and Productively

For those of us lucky enough to be able to keep working during the lock-down, one of the hardest adjustments is adapting to a “work from home” environment. Without much experience in working remotely, it can be difficult to get started on the right track and to build the ideal space in order for us to work productively. The best thing about remote work is that your experience is mostly dependent on you. There’ll be no more co-workers dropping in unannounced...

CallCabinet Launches Atmos@Home: UCaaS Call Recording & AI-powered Speech Analytics From Home

CallCabinet, a leading global provider of affordable Cloud-native call recording and AI solutions today announced Atmos@Home, a new, innovative offering providing advanced UCaaS call recording, quality management, and AI-powered speech analytics empowering global organizations to maintain productivity, compliance, and service levels in a work-from-home environment. Atmos@Home is custom-designed to provide Cisco Jabber, MS Teams, and Genesys Cloud users instant UCaaS recording and is easily installed across an entire organization via our enterprise installation script. Atmos@Home offers organizations the ability to effectively...

PCI compliance for customer data, are you doing it right?

PCI DSS compliance has been a part of your business practices since 2004 (or whenever you opened your doors after then). That is unless your business doesn’t take customer credit cards. Any time your customer shares a primary access number (PAN) from a bank or credit card, you’re on the hook to follow a list of compliance laws. It’s your company’s responsibility to see that a PAN’s journey ends with you. Thing is, PANs like to reproduce themselves. How? Well, the customer spoke...

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